The Department of Anaesthesiology was founded in the preindependence era in 1940 under the leadership of the renowned Prof H.G.Barat who brought glory to the department for the next 17 years. The department was headed by stalwarts like Prof.Satyananda Pramanik, Prof. Subrata Maitra, Prof. Asrukana Mitr4 Prof. Nitish Gazi and Prof Santi Bhattacharya.
The Department is at present spearhoaded by Prof Dipasri Bhattacharya,( MD,MAMS,FIAPM)
The Department provides Anaesthesia and ICU services to General Surgery. Obstetric and Cynaecology,IVF, ENT, Ophthalmology, Ofthopaedics" Urosurgery, Paediatric & neonatal Surgery. CI sulgery, Plastic Surgery,Neurosurgery, including Oral and Maxillofacial surgery and Trauma centre for both ernelgency and elective also provides peripheral anaesthesia services to interventional radiology, MRl, CT scan, ECT and endoscopy.
High standards in patient care, education and research is maintained by the Deparlment. All operation theatres are equipped with state ofthe aft anaesthesia machines" fhcilities for invasive blood pressure and CVP rnonitoring, Entlopy and BIS monitoring,Videolarynoscopy in all OTs. coagulation monitoring and ultrasonography for regional anesthesia blocks and for vascular access.
The department has l0MD and 4DA post Craduate seats. Students every year are participating in state Ievel, National level and international Ievel conlerences and win prizes. High quality research activities are published in different reputed joumals every- year.
Paramedical courses like Diploma in OT Technolog, (DOf l) and Dinloma in Critical Care Technologl (DCCT) are also conducted by the department.
Pain Medicine Clinic : Patients suffering from Chronic pain are treated in this Clinic. This Clinic is situated in the OPD block and functions from 9am to 4pm on every Tuesday and Friday. Facilities for various modalities of pain therapy viz., radio-frequenc_v. ablation. neurolytic block. TENS. etc. are available. lmage guided (C arm & USG) interventional pain management procedures are carried out once a week (Thursday) in the operation theatr, well organized follow up clirric on Saturday.
The Pain CIinic was stalted in 201 I and over the years this clinic has developed into a very active hub for Pain Medicine. This is the first Govt medical college in West Bengal where pain medicine fellowship course recognized by WBMC started in 2017 . Pain clinic caters to about 400 patients every week ( old and new) with trvo indoor beds. All state of art treatment including Platelet rich plasma therapy is carried out. Till date about 4000 patients have benefitted liom PRP treatment. We are treating Low back pain, neck pain, facial pain. Buerger's disease by chemical neurolysis. shouder pain, headache,fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy. CRPS and cancer pain with very good results.
Pain Medicine in R.G.Kar MCH carries out fellowship programmes with an intake of 5 fellows every year. It has been a centre for great academic activities. The Department has organized four international workshops, in 2013 with the World Institute of Pain and USG guided workshops in 2015 & 2016 in collaboration with AIIMS New Delhi. International Conttrence in Recent Advances workshop was also conducted in association with AIIMS New Delhi. State Conference of West Bengal societl firr the study of Pain was corlducted in R. G. Kar MCH in 2014 & 2019.
Intensive Care Unit (CCU) : at 7th floor, adjoining operation theatre is equipped with moclern ventilators. multipara monitors, ultlasonography, and echocardiography machine. PCA pumps, defibrillator and. a dedicated laboratory. The CCU caters to post surgical and medical patients. it is one ofthe best CCU in this state.
A new state of art fully equipped COVID CCU has been started following all the necessary protocols. It has been instrumental in saving numerous lives.
Pre-Anaesthesia Check-up (PAC) CIinic : Patients scheduled for surgical/investigative procedures are screened in the PAC CIinic in the QPD block from 9am to 4pm from Monday to Saturday.
All postgraduate students are rotated in all surgical specialties, Intensive Care, Pre Anesthesia clinics and Pain clinics. Thesis writing is mandatory for paertial fulfilment for the final MD examination. post graduate teaching consists of seminars, journal clubs, case discussion, tutorials and Guest Lectures.
There are 3 Professors,
5 Associate Professors
5 Assistant Professors
10 senior residents in the Department.